The Archive of “Ergoliptiki S.A.”. The National Library of Greece and MONUMENTA collaborate on its rescue.
Book Presentation.From Mykonos to the Aegean NIKOS ZAFEIROPOULOS A scholar archaeologist in the second half of the 20th century
The state as an entity and the lived experience of Athens in the poetry of Andreas Empiricus. AGRA Publications
“Printed Ottoman and other Historical Sources on the City and the Kaza of Xanthi (late 19th – early 20th century)”
The National Library of Greece (NLG) presents the bookbinding exhibition of Evangelia Biza entitled “unfolding” from 8 May
Presentation of the Book of Maria Papagianni-Mikroutsikou “The Golden Oars,” at the Municipal Library of Patras
New publication “Contemporary Architecture, relations between philosophy and architecture” by Dimitra Chatzisavvas from University studio Press
The new issue of the Journal of the Orthodox Academy of Crete “Dialogues of Reconciliation” has been released