Presentation of the book ” The Norwegian who fought the junta. The anti-dictatorial struggle in Scandinavia ” at the historical archive of the University of Athens on March 20
Textualising the Experience – Digitalising the Text: Cyprus through Travel Literature (15th-18th Centuries) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the Sylvia Ioannou Foundation
La France et la Grèce au XXe siècle [France and Greece in the 20th century]. École Française d’Athènes / French School of Athens
“You see, my stranger friend. That I do not forget the songs”: from Haxthausen or Vinée or a hundred years of Western European gaze to Greek folk song. Edition Orpheus.
“From patria iuris to pater patriae. The gradual privatization of Respublica” by Constantinos G Vlaxos. From University Studio Press
Supply of books from the Municipal Library of Patras to the Cultural Association of Mintiloglio and the High School of Rio
“For the Jews of Saloniki” presentation of Elias Petropoulos’ book by the Hellenic American Union and Kapon publications
Venetia Apostolidou was awarded by the Academy of Athens for her work “literature at the University.The formation of the science of Modern Greek literature (1942-1982)”. Polis Publications