First of May 2023 with the Cultural Organization of Patras “We welcome May, we sing, we dance, we fight”
Exhibition of woven works by Mary Gladstone “Views of Hydra” at the Historical Archive – Museum of Hydra until May 25
Spring hiking Crossing The Mountain Marathia on Sunday, March 5th from the Natural History Museum Helmis
Educational program at the Natural History Museum of the Petrified Forest of Lesvos ” I get to know earthquakes. I’m learning how to protect myself.”
Performance and narration “Kallirroon water: how water springs in mythical thought” from the Historical Archive-Museum of Hydra on November 19
Announcement of the Natural History Museum of the Petrified Forest of Lesvos about the pelican that was spotted with the yellow rings on its feet in Lesvos UNESCO World Geopark.
Chestnut festival of Melivoia “fruits of Melivoia land” by the municipality of Agia, the community of Melivoia, the public benefit enterprise “Calypso” and the Agricultural Cooperative of Melivoia “The Immortal”
Mystery_99 THE ARK / LANDSHIP TimeCircus. The largest pilgrimage procession in the history of Elefsina is coming to the city in February.
The former Refreshment House and the Summer Cinema of Eleusina will host actions of the 2023 Eleusis European Capital of Culture