Megaron, the Athens Concert Hall. Book Presentation. Μikis Τheodorakis, his music and politics, by Gail Holst-Warhaft. Wednesday, 27 September 2023
Closing celebration of the “summer reading and creativity campaign” at the Municipal Library of Patras
Historical Archive – Museum of Hydra: Exhibition of Rare Books – Reading Club with the title “UTOPIA”
University of Cyprus. Research Conference. Greek Books and European Common Identity, 15th-17th centuries
Th.Niftanidou. On dolor: Elisabeth Moutzan-Martinengou, Autobiography & Dido Sotiriou, The Visitors. University Studio Press
Publication Presentation at the Hellenic Parliament Foundation. The Aegis of Hellas: The Continuing Vigor of Philhellenism
The Archive of “Ergoliptiki S.A.”. The National Library of Greece and MONUMENTA collaborate on its rescue.
Book Presentation.From Mykonos to the Aegean NIKOS ZAFEIROPOULOS A scholar archaeologist in the second half of the 20th century