Title: Between East and West, Five Essays

Author: Yannis Tsarouchis

Year: 2019

Publishing House: Agra Publications

Subject: Art History/ Painting

Pages: 40

Technical Features: 19 x 12,5

Referring to the second reprint of the book (July 2019) by Agra Publications, the reader realizes how topical the precepts of Yannis Tsarouchis’ work remain. The present book was originally published on the occasion of the exhibition of the great painter’s works at the old Fix factory in February-April 2000 (exhibition Between East and West – Selections from the collection of the Y.Tsarouchis Foundation).

As to how he moved between the world of the East and the West, Yannis Tsarouchis explains in an experiential and completely thoughtful way in one of the most essential passages of his texts:

“A large part of my activity was consumed in order to get to know these two worlds, so as not to wrong anyone and not to make irreparable mistakes. My childhood dream of becoming a good painter was necessarily transformed into an ideal different one, which consisted in knowing where I was and where I stood. I had to tear down the provincial enthusiasms of the frivolous who admired the West and get to know the true face of the West and the true history of our relations with it. On the other hand, I had to guard well against provincial Balkan fanaticism, thirsty for easy slogans, easy consolations for its confusion and the feeling of inferiority that overwhelmed it. I wanted as much as possible to prepare a somewhat solid ground where my enthusiasms would not wither before they sprouted. In this way I was not “doing work” as others were. Tests and experiments only.”

(p. 25)

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