Exiles on Ai-Stratis. By the General State Archives of Greece
Katerina Zografou Reading Room and Archival Research Department, General State Archives of Greece – Central Service ...More
Katerina Zografou Reading Room and Archival Research Department, General State Archives of Greece – Central Service ...More
The President, the Board of Directors and the Director General of the Acropolis Museum express their ...More
The Board of Directors of the Society of Cretan Historical Studies held an extraordinary meeting on ...More
conference BUSINESS ARCHIVES IN GREECE POSSIBILITIES AND PERSPECTIVES Business records have broad scientific and social value. ...More
The Hellenic Parliament Foundation for Parliamentarism and Democracy, the Municipality of Alexandroupolis and the Historical Museum ...More
The Hellenic Parliament Foundation for Parliamentarism and Democracy in cooperation with the Domna Samiou Folk Music ...More
ESTIA Neas Smyrnis, presents the historical documentary, "The Heroic Vourla of Asia Minor", a lifelong dream ...More
The three-day events organized by the Municipality of Patras and the Cultural Organization in cooperation with ...More
Andromache Kokkoti Archivist, Department of Processing of Archives General State Archives, Central Service The Political House ...More
After the great response they met last spring, the exhibitions "From the refugee settlement to the ...More