Exhibition of Historical Archival Documents of the Town Council 1915-1922” is organized by the Department of Administrative Support of the Town Council of the Directorate of Support of Political Authorities of the Municipality of Thessaloniki. The exhibition, which will be hosted at the premises of the Vafopouleion Cultural Centre, will run from 15 December 2023 to 31 January 2024.

The exhibition will present digitized and digitally preserved Resolutions and Records of Meetings as well as the corresponding bound manuscripts of the period 1915-1922.

The Municipality of Thessaloniki, ensuring the right to information, offers a great walk through important moments of history, economy, politics, and illuminates aspects of the multicultural character and aspects of everyday life for the period following the liberation of the city and up to the entry of refugees.

The preservation, conservation, promotion and dissemination to all interested parties of these archival documents can ultimately constitute the cultural asset that will promote knowledge of history and preserve collective memory and cultural heritage.

The exhibition will take place at the Vafopouleion Cultural Centre (5th floor, G. Vafopoulou 3) and will be open Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 14:00 and from 17:00 to 20:00.

Entrance for the public is free.

Scheduled group tours every Monday-Wednesday-Friday at: https://opengov.thessaloniki.gr/opengov/eservices/vafo/ds.php

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