OTAN Publications, with a joyful press release, announce the opening of their bookstore, on Saturday 11/11 and time 18:30 at 15 Ippokratous Street:
“On Saturday 11/11/2023 at 18.30, we, the representatives of OTAN Publications, have the pleasure and honor of opening our new bookstore at 15 Ippokratous Street.
Our aim is not just another bookstore in the heart of Athens, but a place where readers and book lovers in general can connect. We have created a space of high aesthetics that wants to emphasize communication, contact, exchange of views, healthy reflection and the exploitation of the intellectual potential of our country and beyond.
We have been in the book business for over 40 years and we proceeded, when it became possible, five years ago, to establish our publishing house “OTAN” and now our bookstore. This is because over the years we have found that there are intellectual treasures that are locked away in the drawers of many unpublished authors and we have set ourselves the goal of promoting their intellectual work, always with the criterion of quality and fruitful discourse.
That is why our publishing house has published, in these five years of its operation, selected books (literary, artistic, sociological, scientific, etc. ), mainly by young (but also older) authors, in order to give a voice to the contemporary and in many cases unknown and obscure intellectual creation, especially of our country, which nowadays often, unfortunately at the expense of quality, is suffocated under conditions and guarantees of recognition and saleability, in order to publish a book.
We are not above any economic benefit, because of course this is a prerequisite for business survival, but we want this to be done mainly through the discreet promotion of books that will be chosen, as far as possible, by the reader himself, without being dictated exclusively by consumer advertising. The commercial purpose and window dressing of our bookshop aims to do just that.
In this direction, we will host in our bookstore, from time to time, writers, translators and readers in thematic evenings of exchange and dialogue on the hot topics of our time and the timeless, with the ultimate goal and on the occasion of the book, to create nuclei of new ideas and intellectual ferment.
We are waiting for you at the opening of our bookstore always with a hospitable mood and respect to the reader.”
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