Title: The voice of Science-The Silence of Nature
Author: Costas Ν. Demetzos
Year: 2019
Publishing House: Parisianou
Subject: Science/Medicine/Technology
Pages: 238
Technical Features: 24x 17 cm.
The monograph of Proffesor Costas Demetzos seeks to highlight the silent and soundless evolutionary processes and phenomena that dynamically unfold in nature. The author presents the basic concepts of complex dynamic systems and describes the laws of thermodynamics and quantomechanics. He explains the creation of life via the selfassembly process and provides an in-depth description of the organization of the liquid crystalline state of matter in thermodynamically metastable phases that promote the evolution of life.
Costas Demetzos is Professor of Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology in the National and KapodistrianUniversity of Athens. He serves as Director of the Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology and since 2008 he serves as President of the Hellenic Pharmaceutical Society (HPS). His research interest is primarily on nanotechnology, nanomedicine, nanomaterials, thermodynamics and biophysics of nanoplatforms. He has been awarded national and international patents, that have nanotechnological drug delivery systems, as their main object. He teaches in the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Medicine of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, the courses of nano-pharmacology, on undergraduate and postgraduate level. He has gained awards and honors for his contribution to the science of biomaterials and of pharmaceutical nanotechnology. He is the author of related University notes, textbooks, and monographs. His book ‘The Voice of Science and the Silence of Nature’, 2022, LAMBERT Academic Publishing (OmniScriptum Publishing Group) has been translated into 7 languages (French, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, English, French, German). The Primarily Greek edition has been made by the Greek Publisher is Parisianou S.A. He participates as a member of Scientific Organizing Committees and as a President of International and European scientific Conferences, while being an evaluator in many National and International committees. He was an elected member of the ExCo of EUFEPS (Network Coordinator) (2013-2016). At present, he is a member of the International Advisory Committee for Alzheimer’s disease (2019 – present), and of the Hellenic Initiative Against Alzheimer Disease (HIAAD) (2019- present). In 2018 Costas Demetzos, was honored with an award by the Order of Sciences of the Academy of Athens for his scientific achievements in Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology. In 2021, Prof. Demetzos has been elected as Ordinary member in Class IV-Natural Sciences of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (Academia Scientiarium et Artium Europaea). Since 2023 he acts as Associate Editor on the prestigious Journal of Liposome Research.

Professor Costas N. Demetzos during his award by the Academy of Athens
Professor Costas N. Demetzos, following a scientific recommendation from the Class of Sciences and by unanimous decision of the plenary session of the Academy of Athens, the highest intellectual institution of Greece, was awarded the prize at the solemn meeting on 21-12-2018 in the great hall of ceremonies. The President of the Academy of Athens, Academician Antonios Kounadis, made the award to the honored Professor.
The rationale of the Academy of Athens for the award of the Professor and Vice President of our association was announced by the Secretary General of the Academy of Athens, Academician Vasilios Petratos at its solemn meeting and is briefly as follows.
“The Academy of Athens Prize is awarded to the Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology and Nano-Technology of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Konstantinos N. Demetzos, for his scientific work ‘Pharmaceutical Nano-Technology. Fundamentals and Practical Applications. Pharmaceutical Nano-Technology. Fundamentals and Practical Applications’. The honoree’s work has the virtue of novelty and originality and provides interdisciplinary approaches involving the design and development of innovative drug delivery nanosystems and therapeutic biomolecules for the treatment of diseases’
The Athens Academy Awards are given every year to important personalities in the field of science, letters and arts, but also reward the effort of social contribution. They are regarded as the highest academic and intellectual recognition.
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