Postgraduate Studies in Greece. Days of Art in Greece suggests.
In the new international environment of education, Greek universities are responding by organizing Postgraduate Programs of ...More
In the new international environment of education, Greek universities are responding by organizing Postgraduate Programs of ...More
Title: European Erasmus-Mundus Programme on Biomedical Engineering (EMMBIOME) Sicientific Discipline : ...More
University Institutions in the country continue to organize new Postgraduate Programs of Studies that respond to the needs of ...More
University Institutions throughout the country organize Postgraduate Courses adapted to modern international needs, oriented towards new technologies and the ...More
Title: MSc EDUCATION AND CULTURE Scientific Discipline: Education University: Harokopio University ...More
The inter-institutional postgraduate program "Religious and Pilgrimage Tourism", which operates in collaboration with the Department of ...More
The interim Rector of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki was appointed on Friday 1st December 2023, ...More
The fourth face-to-face meeting of the Erasmus + project TranSuMan - Advanced training on sustainable management ...More
The National Gallery - Alexandros Soutsos Museum inaugurates on 12 December the exhibition by Rena Papaspyrou, ...More
University Institutions throughout the country organize Postgraduate Courses adapted to modern international needs, oriented towards new technologies and the ...More