In the framework of the European OACCUs programme and the World Cancer Survival Day (1st Sunday of June), an open event entitled:

Together We Choose a Healthy Lifestyle” on Thursday 16 May at 6.00-8.30 pm at South Park.

The event is supported by the Municipality of Patras, the Region of Western Greece and the MSc in Public Health, with the active participation of the following oncology patient organizations:

  • Association of Parents of Children with Cancer “FLOGA”, Patras Section
  • Association of Women with Breast Cancer “Alma Zois” of Achaia
  • Volunteers against Cancer “AGALIAZO”
  • Hellenic Cancer Society Patras Branch
  • Oncological hostel of the Region of Western Greece, “ELPIDA”

OACCUs stands for OAC Sees (C) Us and OAC Connects Us. Europe’s cancer plan aims not only to ensure that young cancer patients survive their disease, but also that they live long, fulfilling lives.

OACCUs is a vital part of the new EU4Health network for young cancer survivors.

The content of the OACCUs is a healthy lifestyle oriented towards the future through 4 pillars

a) outdoor sports and exercise, b) psycho-education, c) healthy nutrition, d) healthy environment and sustainable lifestyle.

These four pillars will be highlighted in an experiential way in this open event.

In particular, the Nutritionist of the University Hospital of Patras Ioanna Partsalaki and Alexandra Zaravela, Food Technologist, will inform us about healthy nutrition and food safety. Afterwards, the chef of the University Hospital of Patras Spyros Papachristou will cook for us. The program’s gymnast Natasha Pagoni will take care of our sports in the context of open gymnastics. The team of psychologists Maria Vassilopoulou and Zoe Asimakopoulou, in an open discussion, will give the opportunity for survivors to submit their thoughts, experiences and ideas. The event will conclude with a walk in the South Park.

The event takes place in the framework of the European Public Health Week 2024 (13-17 May) and is organized by the Laboratory of Hygiene, Department of Medicine and Crethidev

The event will be live streamed from Sweden (Umea), Spain (Cadiz), Germany (Munich), Portugal (Coimbra), Italy (Palermo) where similar events are held.

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