In the Realm of the Senses
Title: In the Realm of the Senses Subject: Art Author: Lynda Benglis Editions: Published by ΝΕΟΝ Publication Date: ...More
Title: In the Realm of the Senses Subject: Art Author: Lynda Benglis Editions: Published by ΝΕΟΝ Publication Date: ...More
Title: The palace at 4 a.m. Subject: Art Editions: Published by ΝΕΟΝ (in cooperation with the Cyclades Ephorate ...More
After three years of residence in the former Public Tobacco Factory on Lenorman Street and the ...More
Louis Bourgeouis' work "Spider" comes for the first time in Greece, inaugurating the first collaboration between between ...More
NEON supports contemporary creators, ensuring them through access to knowledge, research and production through its annual Grants ...More
Assignment of a new project by NEON for the Portals exhibition titled ‘The stage is empty: Part II, 2021’ ...More
The exhibition continues in October 2021 with new opening hours and performances in and around the former Public Tobacco ...More
Trimi Antigoni - Visual psychotherapist Michalos Konstantinos - Artist The work, from the moment it is ...More
Play Therapy is a specialized form of Psychotherapy that is mainly addressed to children from ...More