Title: National, the useful: Breakthroughs in education and health systems

Author: Κyriakos Anastasiadis

Publisher: University Studio Press

Subject: Research

Year: 2024

Pages: 160

Τechnical Features: 17×24

What are the elements that define the national and therefore the fabric on which a country’s entire policy can be built? Kyriakos Anastasiadis, backed by thirty years of daily engagement and dedicated service in the National Health System and at the highest levels of Education, shares his views, plans and goals for the University, education, health and the country as a whole.

His expectation is to attract and engage with worthy fellow travellers, thus contributing to the creation of the critical mass needed for the changes, reforms and growth that Greece urgently needs. It is his belief that Education and Health, along with Production, Security and Defence are the defining benchmarks of a society, and are the ones that must function properly in order for the country to develop alongside the rest of the world. He envisions a bright society and invites the reader to join the collective effort for a new, modern University, a new, modern National Education System and a new, modern National Health System. It articulates new ideas that involve first and foremost outward-lookingness and the adoption of an open-minded and reformist strategy. It believes that Greeks can become leaders in education and serious contributors to the Knowledge Society, thus adding to the Greece brand the academic destination alongside the tourist and food destinations. He also talks to us about the new National Health System, the NHS 5.0, which will free us from the pathologies of public health and give meaning to the welfare state, increasing our life expectancy and quality of life.

The ” aien αριστεύein ” in the lecture halls of the Aristotle University Medical School is there to remind future scientists that everything is based on work, continuous education, research and a passion for excellence.

Kyriakos Anastasiadis is Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the Aristotle University of Athens. The book will be presented on Monday, November 25th, at the Teloglio Foundation of Arts of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, at 18:00. The event will be attended by Elias Mosialos, Andreas Loverdos, Pericles Mitkos and Anna Andreadou. The event will be moderated by the journalist Nikos Economou.

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