Title: Une Grèce secrète
Author: Veronique Bruez
Publishing House: Enastron
Subject: Monograph
Year: 2024
Pages: 54
According to Lawrence Durrell, Greece is not “a nation-state but a state of mind”, a “spark of marble dust and blue nostalgia”.
Its monumental past is brazenly combined with its contemporary turmoil, and the European civilisation it founded with its resistance.
Revolutionary, traditional, its many aspects fascinate us. Here are some thematic entries into Greek culture, using keywords and landmarks that help us to better understand this country, which is not always the postcard you think it is.
In short, some observations of this world that is so close and so unique sometimes… personal notes, day by day, curiosities and other small pleasures.
After studying classical literature, Véronique Bruez joined the cultural network of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. Her experience as deputy director of the French Institute in Naples inspired her to write the book Naples allegro con fuoco (Gallimard). She then embarked on the adventure of setting up a film school in Marrakech before joining the French Embassy in Athens as a sports advisor. Author of five books, numerous articles, a lover of the ancient and modern Mediterranean and passionate about Greek culture (De l’amour et de la mer, Gallimard), she recently published Ici habite le bonheur (Arléa), a cabinet of literary curiosities. www.veroniquebruez.fr
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