The OAC Library” The Light ” announces with great pleasure-for another year – educational activities for the young friends of the foundation, under the general title: “Saturday at the OAC Library”.
These actions are addressed to children from 4 to 10 years old and refer to children’s daily concerns, diversity, friendship, feelings, etc., while giving them the opportunity to work creatively during the winter season.
The realization of educational activities in the OAC Library is an alternative type of teaching and seeks the activation and active participation of children through innovative actions and methods of education, in the context of acquiring knowledge and cultivating their personality.
The actions are carried out in compliance with the respective instructions of EODY for the spread of the pandemic, taking all health measures against Covid–19.
Start time of programs 11: 00 p.m.
There may be changes in the day and time of actions.
You can find the program in detail on the OAC website: www.oac.gr
Information: Ioannis Mountogiannakis, M.Sc. librarian-research associate of OAC, Tel.: 2824022245, e-mail: [email protected]
The program of educational actions is as follows:
- “The countless” Saturday 12/11/2022-author Angelidou Maria, Ed. Icarus.
- “Bizzz” Saturday 26/11/2022-author Angelou Angelou, Ed. Icarus.
- “The tree that I am” Saturday 10/12/2022-writer Yuval Zomer, Ed. Psycho.
- “Belle bechamel” Saturday 14/01/2023 – author Konstantoudaki Christina, Ed. Diopter.
- “GLYKOS and Mononouda” Saturday 28/01/2023-author Planaki Artemis.
- “Seven shoes for the Lady lent” 25/02/2023-author Iakovos Anna, Ed. Athos.
- “The Greek Revolution of 1821” Saturday 18/03/2023 – author Mandilaras Filippos, Ed. Smith.
- “Egg for Giants” Saturday 01/04/2023-author James Anna, Ed. Athos.
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