Title: Documents, Books and Photographs of the Historical Archive of Nea Ionia

Year of publication: 2022

Pyblisher: Documents, Books and Photographs of the Historical Archive of Nea Ionia

Subject: History

Σελίδες: 192

In 2022, twenty years have passed since the establishment of the Centre for the Study of Asia Minor Culture of the Municipality of Nea Ionia. On the occasion of this anniversary, which coincides with the completion of 100 years since the Asia Minor Catastrophe, the Municipality of Nea Ionia proceeded with the publication of the album “Documents, Books and Photographs of the Historical Archive of Nea Ionia”.

Through the rich material of the Archive, the daily life, economic activity and social life of the Greeks of Asia Minor before the Catastrophe and the dramatic difficulties they faced after their settlement in Greece are highlighted.

The archival material of the publication is presented in categories with brief descriptions and colour photographs: Church records, Ottoman documents, Karamanlid books and documents, photographs and postcards, old publications.

On the one hand, the publication is a handy guide to its Historical Archive; on the other hand, it is a comprehensive account of the life of the refugees of 1922.

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