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Awards Ceremony
of the 2nd Literary Contest “MARILENA LASKARIDI”
for Greek schools abroad (ca.2020 – 2021)

On Friday 18 March 2022, at 13.00 (local time), the award ceremony of the 2nd Literary Competition “MARILENA LASKARIDI” for Greek schools abroad, period 2020 – 2021, will take place online.

The competition is approved by the Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs and is sponsored by the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, with the aim of encouraging expression, cultivating the writing skills of adolescents, but above all to create a bridge of communication with the students of Greek schools abroad.

Secondary school students from all Greek schools abroad and from Greek Language Departments recognized by the Ministry of Education were eligible to participate. Indicatively, dozens of students from Germany, Turkey, Albania, Cyprus etc. sent their texts to the 2nd Literary Competition “MARILENA LASKARIDI”.

The rationale of the Jury’s awards will be presented at the ceremony by the President of the Jury, Mrs. Vicky Patsiou, professor at the University of Athens, while the winning students will read an excerpt from their text.

The event will be addressed by the Vice President of the Foundation, Mrs. Katerina Laskaridis and the Director, Mrs. Kali Pagoulatou-Kyparissi.

Please note that the 3rd “MARILENA LASKARIDI” Primary Short Story Competition for Greek schools abroad for the academic year 2021-2022 has already been approved and announced (information here).

The event will take place online via the zoom platform.
Login details:
Meeting ID: 864 2107 7445
Passcode: 092262

Tel: 216 9003746, [email protected]

Jury of the 2nd Literary Competition
for the 1st Prize for Original Short Stories “MARILENA LASKARIDI”
for Greek schools abroad (ca. 2020 – 2021)

Vicky Patsiou, Professor of Modern Greek Literature, Department of Primary Education, EKPA, President of the Committee

Kali Pagoulatou – Kyparissi, Director of Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation

Maria Papagianni, Author, Philologist

Yannis Papatheodorou, Associate Professor of Modern Greek Philology, School of Humanities & Social Sciences, University of Patras

Nektarios Stellakis, Assistant Professor, Department of Education & Early Childhood Education, School of Humanities & Social Sciences, University of Patras