After three years, the successful exhibition comes to an end and invites the public to the last scheduled tour, on Sunday 22 September 2024, at the Historical Library.

Application for required here.

Explore 42 archetypal publications of Greek interest from the rich collection of the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation! These are representative examples of Greek original editions and Latin translations, printed from 1470 to 1500, covering a wide thematic and chronological range: from the first edition of the Homeric epics to late Byzantine authors.

Browse through historic first editions of rare typographic art by the pioneering printers Aldus Manutius, Zacharias Kalliergis, Lorenzo di Alopa, Erhard Randolt and their collaborators.

Sunday 22 September 2024
12.00-14.00 (in two groups)
Historical Library-Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation 
2nd Merarchias 36 & Aktis Moutsopoulou, Piraeus
(metro “Municipal Theatre”)

Admission is free

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