The X-ACT ART Theatre Group presents the performance “Little Eyolf” by Henrik Ibsen.
Focusing on the relationship between a writer and his wife and half-sister, “Little Eyolf” paints a heartbreaking portrait of a family facing the shattering of all their illusions. It is a profound exploration of possessive, monomaniacal love and blind self-centered devotion to an ultimate goal, an essay on the concepts of duty and guilt, punishment and mercy. The collapse of the delusion that embraces their entire world leads the characters in the play to realize that the abandonment of dreams and the admission of a fall pave the way for resurrection and redemption.
Author: Henrik Ibsen
Adapted by: X-Act Art
Directed by: Yorgos Charatzas, Korina Chrysaidou
Set and Costume Desing: Tina Vasilopoulou
Choreography: Christos Papadopoulos
Music: Yannis Psimadas
Video: Spyros Diamantis
Lighting: Antonis Panagiotopoulos
Photographs: Patroklos Skafidas
The Cast:
Rita: Korina Chrysaidou
Alfred: Yorgos Charatzas
Asta: Tina Vasilipoulou
Borghejm: Konstantinos Exarchopoulos
Eyolf: Yannis Andriopoulos
At “Ex Machina” Theatre
Starting at: 21 January 2024
For 16 performances
Every Sunday at 20.30 and Mondays at 21.00
(Only on the first Sunday 21-1-24 starting at 21.00)
Duration: 100′
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