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NEON’s exhibition space of togetherness is accompanied by a parallel multifaceted public programme, an open, live workshop, open to the public at the Drama School of the National Theatre | School of Athens – Irini Papa.

This week’s programme is curated by the team EIGHT / ΤΟ ΟΧΤΩ: Gigi Argyropoulou, Vassilis Noulas, Kostas Tzimoulis. They present a public programme entitled Tonight we improvise on 19 and 21 September 2024, attempting to highlight the cruciality of collective processes, public dialogue and, especially, improvisation as a means of social transformations and fermentations, collective and personal awareness on key issues of our time. The actions will be developed in the light of ecological, feminist and LGBTQ+ perspectives.

In addition, NEON opens with extended opening hours at NEON Late Nights on 20 and 21 September 2024 and welcomes the exhibition public until 20:45.

Tonight we improvise | EIGHT/ ΤΟ ΟΧΤΩ
Curated by Gigi Argyropoulou, Vassilis Noulas, Kostas Tzimoulis

Thursday 19 September
16.00 Performing writing | Coordinated by Phoebe Giannisi and Vassilis Noulas

18.00 Listening collectively | Conception, Texts: Anna Papaeti, Sound design and production: Nikos Arvanitis

19.00 Tonight we improvise

Saturday 21 Σεπτεμβρίου
* Day dedicated to Zack Kostopoulos / Zackie Oh, activist of the LGBTQ community and HIV-positive people who was murdered on 21-9-2018

16.00 Performing reading | Text selection and moderation by Alkistis Efthymiou

18.00 I can’t name it because it will die (30 min) | A performance by Christos Vrettos
19.00 Feminist and Quir poetry collage | Participants: Olga Vereli, Krystalli Glyniadaki, Nikolas Koutsodontis, MKX, Mochi, Vassilis Noulas, Vassilia Economou, Elena Polygeni, Eugenia Tzirtzilaki

Admission to the events is free | More on