Mystery_2 Words of the Clock, the original sound performance of 2023 Eleusis European capital of Culture, returns to clock, the monumental landmark of the city on The Hill of the archaeological site of Eleusis, on Sunday, November 13, as part of the action Mystery_56 3rd meeting culture 2030. Its sixth edition, entitled “supplicants of Eleusis”, includes excerpts from Aeschylus’s “supplicants”, testimonies of Refugee Women of ‘22, as well as original texts by Marianna Kalbari, who curates the action directionally. Performed by actress and director Maria Protopappa.

The Watch’s words include interpretations of landmark texts of Greek literature by prominent artists, marking Mystery 2, which aims to become a settled celebration of the city. The activation of the clock’s landmark on a symbolic and literal level places the action in the heart of Eleusis, while the pedestrian street adjacent to the archaeological site serves as a place of public meeting of residents and visitors of the city.

Pantelis Ladas LDSPRO
Director: Marianna Kalbari
Performed By Maria Protopappa
Music composition-live music performance-song: Avgerini Gatsi
Sound Recording: Panagiotis Paraskevaidis
Sound equipment: AUX
Production Manager: Eleni Berde
Artistic direction of action: Dio Kangelari
Day: Sunday, November 13
Time: 16: 30
Site: Clock, Archaeological site of Eleusis
Duration: 40 minutes
The performance is visible from the pedestrian street of Nikolaidou Street.
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