The “cycle” of outdoor exhibitions in the districts of Patras, which include projects with the city’s neighborhoods and its landmarks, began on the morning of Sunday, September 3, with their deployment in Zoodochos Pigis square of Proastion Beach.

The outdoor exhibitions include works which are reproductions of works from the permanent collections of the Municipal Library and the Municipal Art Gallery of Patras. The exhibitions are held under the supervision of the Art Historian Xenia Giannoulis, in collaboration with the employees of the Municipal Library and the Municipal Art Gallery of Patras.

The “opening” of the exhibition was also attended by the president of the Cultural Association of Proastion Beach, Mr. Pavlos Zaverdas.

The president of the Cultural Organization Katerina Geropanagioti in a statement stressed the following: “On the occasion of the organization of the Painting Symposium, sixteen paintings from the permanent collections of the Library and the Gallery of the Municipality of Patras are presented, depicting landscapes, landmarks and neighborhoods of the city. The selection of the works was curated by the Art Historian Ms. Xenia Giannouli, in collaboration with the employees of the Municipal Library and Gallery.

It is a visual tour of Patras in earlier times, which aims to motivate the viewer to reflect on the transformations of the urban landscape, as well as on the contemporary experience of the city, as experienced by the viewer and as depicted in the works of the visual artists participating in the Symposium. Ultimately, we are confronted with the decisive role of man and all aspects of his life, which inevitably leaves its own mark on the shaping and physiognomy of the urban landscape.

It is in this light that we see our city. Not as something static, outside the life of its inhabitants, but as a living organism, fighting daily, struggling against the dark tones of the problems we all face, seeking light, colour, ultimately life itself”.

Those associations wishing to host the open-air exhibition in their neighborhood should contact the secretariat of the Cultural Organization at 2610-390-937 (Mrs.Labiri) during working hours and days.

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