Three professors of the Hellenic Open University in the list of the world’s top 2% scientists for 2023, representing 5.88% of the total number of the HOU’s faculty members.
The list of the world’s top scientists, known as the Stanford List of the World’s Top 2% Scientists, has been published.The list ranks the world’s top scientists according to their scientific impact, using indicators such as publications, citations and the h-index.The list is published every year and contains the updated ranking list of the world’s most important scientists in various scientific fields.
Specifically, the list of publications for the year 2023 includes :
Zervas Efthimios, Professor at the School of Applied Arts & Sustainable Design,
Chatzigeorgiou Georgios, Professor, Faculty of Science & Technology
Dasaklis Thomas, Assistant Professor, School of Social Sciences
The list for all publications up to 2023 includes:
Verykios Vasileios, Professor, Faculty of Science & Technology
Zefvas Efthimios, Professor at the School of Applied Arts & Sustainable Design,
Chatzigeorgiou Georgios, Professor, Faculty of Science & Technology
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