Title: MSc in Shipping and Sea Transports: Economics and Politics
Scientific Disciplines:
Economics of Sea Transport and Shipping, Logistics, and International Relations
University of Macedonia
3 semesters (full-time). Possibility for part-time studies.
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The Interdepartmental Programme of Postgraduate Studies “MSc in Shipping & Sea Transports: Economics & Politics” is a new and novel programme which combines teaching elements from three distinct yet interrelated scientific fields: Economics of Sea Transport and Shipping, Logistics, and International Relations. Therefore it is jointly organized by the Department of International and European Studies and the Department of Economics at the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki (Greece).
The recent developments in the fields of energy, transport and logistics in the wider area of Eastern Mediterranean, have highlighted the importance of shipping activities at international level and especially the possibility for the city/port of Thessaloniki, as well as for the ports of other cities in Northern Greece, to become international political and economic points of reference. Greece’s position at the center of global shipping activity, as one of the top shipowning nations globally, is a catalyst in that respect.
Based on this context, the novel element of this Programme lies with the combination of knowledge from two fields that usually are not examined together in the framework of shipping activities: economics and international relations. Thus the academic output of the Programme is a corpus of knowledge allowing its students to manage effectively the economic and political challenges which are relevant to the Programme’s contents. Therefore the Programme offers two specializations: a) Economics of Shipping and Sea Transport, b) International Politics of Shipping and Sea Transport. The main objective of the Programme is to combine scientific knowledge and practical experience in order to produce graduates that will be in a position to pursue, with their acquired skills, a successful career and to be employed in public and private organizations and enterprises in the field of shipping. The high level and quality of studies is combined with scientific research in the relevant fields, thus allowing for a focused and practical application and use of the findings on shipping activities, and especially sea transport. This is further enhanced by the cooperation, in the Programme’s framework, with public and private organizations and enterprises in the field of shipping. The Programme’s international orientation os also confirmed by the fact that all courses are taught in English, seeking to familiarize the students with the relevant terminology and international bibliography.
The Programme leads to the award of the degree of Master of Science (MSc) in Shipping & Sea Transports: Economics & Politics. In order to obtain the degree it is necessary to acquire ninety credits (ECTS). The duration of the teaching activity entails two academic semesters, followed by the process of producing a dissertation and participating in an internship scheme. There is also the possibility of part-time studies. The teaching of the course is performed both in person as well as through the use of distance learning platforms. The Programme started its operation in the academic year 2022-2023.
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