Title: MSc European Societies and European Integration
Scientific Discipline:
European Studies
University of the Aegean
3 semesters
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The Postgraduate Studies Programme (MSc) “European Societies and European Integration” explores the relationship and differences between the social, legal, institutional, economic and cultural practices of societies and institutions both within the European Union and in neighbouring countries, in terms of national identities, social movements, economic structures, legal orders, social transformations, democratisation processes, religion and modernisation. This is a clearly interdisciplinary approach, which allows for a comprehensive knowledge of the processes of European integration and the essential content of the European integration process at national and supranational level.
The courses are taught entirely at a distance and last for 3 semesters (2 semesters of courses and 1 semester for the thesis).
The objectives of this MSc are both: the acquisition of specialised scientific knowledge and professional training of students in the field of European Studies and their acquaintance with scientific research in the field of the study of the main issues that concern European societies and the processes of convergence towards their social cohesion (integration). The MSc has aims to improve students’ professional qualifications, not through a professional specialisation but through systematic training in issues relating to European societies, the institutional framework of the EU, European policies, economic developments, the protection of human rights, methods of analysis and processing of social data.
As it recognises European social formations as dynamic processes, the MSc is particularly interested in developing collaborations between students, teachers and researchers from other EU Member States in order to explore the aforementioned factors shaping our common future, as defined by the
The MSc also emphasizes research and encourages its students to participate in original research on the EU institutional and legal environment, the political system of the European Union (democracy, rule of law, human rights), as well as on the primary and secondary analysis of European social, public and political systems, and on the development of the European social, economic and cultural environment.
In the framework of our research and academic cooperation – through the European Chair Jean Monnet “Citizen Europe”, coordinated by Professor P. Grigoriou- we offer the opportunity for our students to participate in the our important inter-university international activities (Summer School, Winter School, special thematic seminars, research and publications in the series GovUnet Working Papers). Our students have also the opportunity to participate in the actions
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