To kick off the celebration of Museum Night 2024, the Historical Archive of the National Bank of Greece organized a temporary exhibition entitled “Archival Treasures: Research – Knowledge – Art at the HA/NBG“, showcasing documents and objects from its holdings, illuminating their multi-dimensional character as levers of research, education and creation.
The exhibition is accompanied by works by 10 contemporary artists, who are inspired by the Archive’s collections and present their own perspective, highlighting different aspects of their importance and dynamics.
With the Collaboration of
Christos Athanasiadis Incoming-outgoing memory snapshots, 2024
Elena Akyla  Student– Listener, 2024
Stelios Giannoulakis File Room 1-5, 2024
Elina TheodoropoulouFrom the Individual to the Archive and from the Archive to the Individual, 2024
Dora Theodoropoulou FIX/ARCHIVE CONVERSATIONS. Another kind of writing, 2024
Maria Kokkini a. The woman behind the typewriter, 2024· b. The Typist, 2024
Fani Pantazidou GENUINE, 2024
Antonis Tsakiris a. The View, 2021· b. Appartment 43Β, 2013· c. The Attic, 2018· d. Spring 2020, we remain active, 2020
Chrysa Chouliara The Fountain of Memory ,2024
Petros Chytiris _restructuring, 2024

and the Playmobil Group (Nikolaos Kritselis, Dimitrios Dimos, Dimitrios Galani) Lost in the Archive – Historical Archive of the National Bank of Greece, Diomedes Mansion (1926-2024), 2024

Periodical exhibition

18 May- 30 June 2024

Monday, Wednesday 10:00-13:00
Thursday 16:00-20:00

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