The Hellenic Open University, by demonstrating its role as a key factor of social cohesion and extroversion, contributes in practice to addressing the social exclusion experienced by people belonging to vulnerable groups. Since its inception, the ΗΟU has had as its main objective and purpose the right of access to higher education programmes for citizens of the country who, for whatever reason, were unable to study at a conventional university or subsequently did not have the option of continuing their studies.

To this end, it held a lottery on 20 September 2023 for the awarding of scholarships to new and active students in its Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programmes of Study for the academic year 2023-2024, with the General Secretariat for Social Solidarity and Poverty Alleviation of the Ministry of Social Cohesion & Family within the framework of their Protocol of Cooperation.

The draw took place at the offices of the General Secretariat for Social Solidarity and Poverty Alleviation, in the presence of the Secretary General, Mr Prodromos Pyrros, the Secretary General for Demographic and Housing Policy, Ms Marina Stefou, the President of the Steering Committee of the Hellenic Open University, Professor Ioannis Kalavrouziotis and officials of the Ministry and the Hellenic Open University. Finally, a beneficiary of the programme participated in the draw, confirming with her example, the great importance of this action for people from vulnerable groups.

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