Title: the Norwegian who fought the junta. The anti-dictatorial struggle in Scandinavia
Author: Arne Treholt
Foreign description: MARKETAKIS OG JUNTAEN
Publications: Psifides
Pages: 384
Dimensions: 14 x 21
Type: Studies
Psifides publications invites you to the presentation of Arne Treholt’s book, ” The Norwegian who fought the junta. The anti-dictatorial struggle in Scandinavia”, on Monday, 20.03.2023 at 18:30 at the historical archive of the University of Athens (Skoufa 45, Athens).
The book will talk about:
Vangelis Karamanolakis, historian NKUA-Aski
Eleni Kouki, historian
Katerina Lambrinou, political scientist
and will be coordinated by Spyros Kakouriotis, journalist
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