Title: MSc Greek Alphabetic Scripts, Writing Μaterials and their Contents
Scinetific Discipline:
Philological studies
Democritus University of Thrace
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
4 semesters (2 years)
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The new Interdepartmental Postgraduate Studies Program “Greek Alphabetic Scripts” is organized by Department of Greek Philology of Democritus University of Thrace in collaboration with the Department of Philology of N.KU.A. and its subject is the systematic and thorough study of the texts of Greek antiquity, mainly literary, delivered on papyrus and other related writing bodies (shells, wooden tablets, textiles, etc.), manuscripts and inscriptions. At the same time, it is a first introduction at a deeper level, through the final master’s thesis, to extensive research and the extensive presentation of a scientific argument.
The ultimate goal is the training of specialized scientists, who will staff education, research institutions, public administration, cultural institutions and universities, will be able to prepare doctoral theses in the field of Papyrology, Palaeography and Epigraphy as well as the wider classical philology and history. Graduates are expected to have significant professional opportunities and prospects for advancement in Greece and abroad, both in the academic filed as in a wider range of companies, operating synthetically in interdisciplinary teams.
The educational work of each academic year is structured in two (2) semesters of study, winter and spring, each of which includes at least ten (10) weeks of instruction and three (3) weeks of examinations. Instruction is compulsorily done by the modern method (i.e. in real time). Ninety – five percent (95%) of the courses are conducted by means of distance learning, depending on the conditions and decisions of the tutor or the needs of the postgraduate students and also in accordance with the applicable law. Distance education is conducted through the electronic applications that are available to D.U.T. and N.K.U.A.
Type: Interdepartmental Postgraduate Studies Program
Hastening Department: Greek Philology of Democritus University of Thrace
Participating Department: Department of Philology of National Kapodistrian University of Athens
Title: ” Greek Alphabetic Scripts, Writing Μaterials and their Contents ”
Tuition fees: 4400 euros (total)
Number of entrants: 70 persons / year
Duration: 2 years (4 semesters)
Foundation: Official Government Gazette 5848 Β’ 15/12/2021
Regulation: Official Government Gazette 7074 Β’ 31/12/2022
Website: https://scripts.helit.duth.gr
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