Research, technology transfer and value creation
08.12.22 / 16:00-18: 00 | Small Stage & Online
A series of workshops to develop and enhance research and innovation in Greece by the Onassis Foundation, the sectoral Scientific Council for technology transfer and intellectual property of the National Council for Research, Technology and innovation and Uni.Fund.
Can we imagine and create an ecosystem that connects excellence and Inclusive Innovation? what do Greek universities need to be able to produce innovation for a global audience, but with an emphasis on their own strengths and the strengthening of local communities? what does innovation mean for research and how can we unleash the forces hidden by knowledge communities;
The Onassis Foundation, the sectoral Scientific Council (TEs) for the transfer of Technology and intellectual property of the National Council for Research, Technology and innovation (ESETEK) and the Uni.The Fund organizes for the second year a series of workshops on the business exploitation of research and Technology Transfer in Greek universities and Research Centers.
On the occasion of the completion of the first period of operation of Technology Transfer structures, the 1st workshop of the 2nd Tech Transfer cycle examines the burning issue of Intellectual Property Management (IP) by research and academic institutions as a central tool for value generation.
Who is responsible for the management of intellectual property? which are considered good and which are bad practices? what is the best strategy for the most immediate and qualitative development of the innovation ecosystem in Greece? how does Intellectual Property lead to the production of value for all parties involved;
The workshop aspires to provide answers to these issues and once again bring together the technology transfer community on the Onassis Stegi, continuing to actively support innovation as a means of unlocking forces and creating value for all.
Prof. Leonidas Alexopoulos, School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens
Dr. Georgios Vardaxoglou, Innoetics/Samsung Electronics
Dr. Stavros Pissadakis, , Institute of Electronic Structure and laser (IESL),
Dr. Michalis Tzannes, Tzannes Patent Management LLC, USA
Prof. Katerina Pramatari, president of Tes Technology Transfer and intellectual property (TES MT& Di) – Partner, Uni.Fund
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