Equality of persons and the right to non-discrimination are fundamental principles of the European Union, as set out in Chapter 3 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of criteria such as gender, disability and sexual orientation. However, disabled people, and in particular women with disabilities, continue to face serious challenges of exclusion and double discrimination.

In this context, the project “SUPPORT – Spinal cord injUry Peer supPORT training for women” aims to empower women with spinal cord injury by promoting the principles of independent living and the value of peer support.

The project has three main objectives. The first objective is the empowerment of women with disabilities. Specifically, the project aims to help women cope with the challenges of double discrimination they experience in their daily lives.

The second goal is advocacy for the development of peer support. SUPPORT promotes peer support, highlighting its importance for the social inclusion and mental empowerment of people with disabilities.

The third objective is to raise awareness of the importance of post-rehabilitation. Through the project, information will be disseminated on the importance of continued support and rehabilitation after discharge from hospital.

The project is implemented by the Society for Research and Training of Clinical Skills, in collaboration with the association of people with physical disabilities “Alli Opsi”.

In the framework of the project, an educational support programme for women with spinal cord injury will be organised from 20 to 29 August 2024, in Kolindros, Pieria (Pierides Muses Hotel). The programme includes learning activities of daily living, wheelchair handling techniques, transportation techniques, empowerment and fitness improvement. Participants will receive support from peer trainers and qualified staff.

The SUPPORT project is implemented in the framework of the “BUILD – Building a robust and democratic civic space” programme, with the EEKD as the implementing body and the “Alli Opsis” association as a partner. BUILD is co-funded by the European Union, the Bodossaki Foundation and the NGO Support Centre – Cyprus, through the “Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV)” programme.

For more information: www.arecs.org.gr και www.alli-opsi.gr

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