This 11th International Scientific Conference of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences ( https://www.iake.gr/)
embraces a broad yet coherent family of fields and concerns revolving around the key concepts of community creation, participation and participatory initiative.
Creative communities can be approached from both a broader and a more specific perspective. The more specific approach, already established as an interdisciplinary research in social sciences, uses the concept of a creative community as a concept that highlights the collaborative and intersectional collectivity that brings together various actors from civil society, government, education and private sector organizations in individual projects that shape new collaborative cultures create added value and lead to economic, social and cultural benefits for research partners and the wider society. Creative communities are characterized by the participation of a diverse range of stakeholders, involved parties and users. They work to create a network of collaboration and exchanges, disseminating models of cooperation into further research and professional environments.
Creative Communities may include combinations of groups of active citizens, employees, entrepreneurs, researchers, academic experts, local, regional and national authorities, foundations, associations and, of course, European institutions.
The broader approach uses the term to describe a group of people who come together and converge around a common challenge or theme, aiming to create, act and share ideas, programmes and practices.
Taking into account the empirical findings and the programmes already associated with Creative Communities in the narrowest sense (e.g. the design and implementation of collaboration practices between public and private sectors in addressing the social and cultural impacts of the Covid 19 pandemic), the broader approach to Creative Communities encourages us to reflect on frameworks and platforms that design, propose and – often attempt to implement new ideas to solve educational, social, cultural and political problems. I also facilitates addressing corresponding challenges, making use of art teaching and forms of inclusion and participation in civic education, as well as the social and humanitarian utilization of new technological horizons.
In this broad yet distinct context, we are interested in studies on the different approaches and views regarding:
- the relations of the Creative Communities with educational institutions and the explanations of new practices for stakeholders and actors involvement.
- the role of citizenship in today’s complex political systems and on the relationship between education and political participation, particularly in an era where new technologies are gradually shaping new roles not only in communication, but also in the relations between citizens and the state and the new possibilities for political consultation.
- the relations between Creative Communities and social capital and its dimensions.
- Creative Communities in interaction with new technologies, digital governance and more basically artificial intelligence in general, which play an increasingly important role in today’s current social development path and, potentially, in its forms of political participation.
The primary purpose of the 11th International Conference of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences is the critical exploration and development of scientific dialogue around these issues. With regard to both the opportunities presented as well as the problems that may emerge, it is essential to raise awareness and prepare citizens for the forms of coexistence with the creation of conditions for the development of Creative Communities, the forms of development of collective pursuits in response to challenges and the encouragement of citizens’ initiatives on the role of, among other things, artificial intelligence and the new relationships that are being formed between citizens and the state. Training, education and civic participation have key roles to play in this evolving theme as it unfolds before our eyes.
As every year, the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences will honour a prominent figure of Hellenism during the inaugural formal sitting, which this year takes place on 9 May 2025.
Starting from the central theme, the Conference will focus on the following themes thematic areas, without excluding any others that may be derived from its general title:
Collective Action, Political Participation and Creative Communities
- Collective Action and Intersectoral Cooperation
- Cooperative cultures and sustainable community networks
- Collaboration and co-creation in the public sector
- Models of cooperation between public and private actors
- Governance and Cooperative Models
- Empowerment and participation of citizens through collective initiatives
- Role of art and culture in strengthening creative communities
- European Programmes and collaborative learning communities
- Citizen participation and new forms of democratic consultation
- Rights, ethics and democracy in institutional collectives
- Emerging Forms of Participation and Political Action in Contemporary Societies
- The Dynamics of Civil Society in Public Policy Making
- Developing Active Civic Consciousness and Collective Responsibility
- Collective Action in Times of Crisis
- Collectives and Self-Organized Communities as Instruments of Alternatives Political Action
- Integration projects for migrants and refugees at European level through educational programmes
Social Education, Education and Culture
- Participatory teaching and inclusion methodologies
- Pedagogical, educational and teaching theory
- Education policies, orientations and structures of education
- Curricula, supporting and teaching materials
- Teaching methodology and strategies
- Teaching suggestions, teaching scenarios
- Evaluative approaches to education
- Educational leadership, adaptability and development
- Educational practices for intercultural integration
- Digital educational platforms
- Critical Thinking and Democratic Consciousness in Education
- Educational approaches for active citizenship configuration
- Creative Skills and Multiliteracy
- Social inclusion in education
- Inclusion and educational justice in contemporary school communities
- Creative approaches to 21st century skills development
- Learning Communities and Participatory Education
- Cooperation programmes between schools and local communities
- Creative Pedagogy and Cultural Identity
- Educational initiatives for sustainability
- Social and emotional education in school communities
- European innovative programmes (Erasmus, eTwinning, etc.)
- Community building and networks of educational practices
- The contribution of communities to crisis and disaster management
- Climate Awareness and Social Cohesion
- Participatory art and social transformation processes
- Cultural Heritage and New Forms of Creative Representation
- Communication and information in public life
- Religion and Culture
- Vocational guidance
- Social entrepreneurship
- Psychology and psychoeducation
Digital Technologies and Creative Initiatives
- Technology and Collective Action
- Data management and analysis in creative communities
- Innovative technologies and social justice in collective processes
- Online Platforms and Collective Initiatives
- Social Networks and Cultural Action
- Impact of social networks on identity formation and collective action
- Digital cultural heritage
- Technological Innovation and Participatory Governance
- Digital Democracy and its perspectives in contemporary societies
- Morality and Ethics in the Digital Space
- The role of artificial intelligence in collaborative action and citizen participation
- Augmented Reality (AR) and virtual communities
- Researchers, scientists, scholars
- Education officials and teachers at all levels serving in public or private education, active or retired
- Members of the teaching staff and members of the teaching staff of higher education institutions
- Phds, doctoral candidates, post-doctoral researchers
- Executives and employees in the fields of culture, economy, politics and local government
- Adult educators
- Undergraduate and postgraduate students
- Any stakeholder who wishes to contribute with a fruitful reflection on the central theme and topics of the conference.
The following may be presented at the Conference:
- Presentations, with the physical presence of the presenters
- Presentations delivered remotely, via a web-based videoconference application
- Digitally posted presentations (digital presentations or video presentations)
- Workshops, with physical presence or remotely
The full texts of all the approved by the conference papers are published in the conference proceedings regardless of the presentation format. Detailed instructions on the structure and format of the papers will be posted on the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences website.
In addition, the conference proceedings will include:
- Presentations by invited expert speakers
- Thematic symposia
- Competition for the best scientific paper and best teaching scenario
- Parallel events
- Opening for submission of abstracts: 21 October 2024
- Closing date for submission of abstracts: 13 January 2025| Extended into 03 February
- Notification of acceptance of abstracts and participation: by 31 January 2025
- Closing date for submission of papers for the Competition: 4 March 2025
- Deadline for submission of papers: 14 April 2025
- Conference proceedings: 8-11 May 2025
All those who wish to participate in the Conference as Presenters – with a paper or a posted announcement or workshop – should send an abstract of their paper via http://www.iake.gr or http://iake.weebly.com, where there is also a special form available as well as the required instructions. The text of the abstract should be up to 300 words and should be accompanied by the authors’ details, as well as an indication of the type of work and the subject area to which it belongs.
Each paper can be submitted by one to four presenters. Each presenter may participate in a maximum of two papers, either as the first, second, third, or fourth presenter.
Acceptance or rejection of the abstract will be announced by February 3, 2025.
- The participation fee in the Conference for each presenter or co-presenter is 50€, which covers: Conference Folder, Presenter Certificate, Digital Book of Abstracts, Digital Proceedings of the Conference, and coffee during breaks.
- The participation fee for non-presenting delegates is 10€, which covers: Conference Folder, Digital Book of Abstracts, Attendance Certificate and coffee during the breaks.
- Simple attendance of the Conference is free of charge.
The presenters will pay the due participation fee after the approval of their abstract, on the dates specified in a subsequent notice.
The Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences will award prizes to the best scientific papers, according to the thematic axis of the Conference theme, in the categories:
Α. Best scientific paper
Β. Best teaching proposal
With the aim of supporting new researchers and scientists, the most distinguished papers submitted by the following will be awarded: a) undergraduate students, b) graduate students, c) doctoral candidates, d) scientists-researchers presenting an original scientific paper or teaching proposal.
The results of the competition will be determined by the Scientific Committee based on the general results of the anonymous evaluation of the final texts of the papers. The evaluation procedure of the final texts will follow the evaluation of the abstracts. The full texts of the papers are evaluated on the basis of their qualitative characteristics in terms of: a) originality, b) methodology, c) structure, d) content, e) documentation.
Only papers submitted by 3 March 2025 will be eligible for the award.
The awards and distinctions will be presented at the closing ceremony of the conference. Guidelines for the preparation of the full texts of the final papers are available on our websites: http://www.iake.gr and https://iake.weebly.com
As part of the conference, a series of parallel activities and events is planned to promote acquaintance, entertainment, and interaction among the attendees and their companions.
- 1st parallel event: Guided tour of historical-archaeological sites in the region.
- 2nd parallel event: An evening of entertainment to get acquainted with the music and culinary delights of Crete on the 2nd day of the conference.
- 3rd parallel event: One-day excursion to an archaeological-naturalistic destination of Crete on the 4th day of the conference.
More information about the conference, accommodation in the city, etc., can be found on the websites of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences: http://www.iake.gr and https://iake.weebly.com
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