Patras Municipal and Regional Theatre, responding to the appeal of the ASHTAR Theatre of Palestine, invites you on Wednesday 29 November 2023 at 20:00, at the Barry Theatre, 7 Santarosa and Karolou, to attend an evening of readings and presentations of The Gaza Monologues.
The Gaza Monologues were written by 33 students aged 13-17 years old as part of a theatre education programme implemented by ASHTAR Theatre in 2010, after the first war in the Gaza Strip. Thirteen years later, the monologues remain tragically relevant, capturing through the voices of the 33 young people the horrors of war, the experience of the occupation, the fears, thoughts, but also the dreams and hopes of young people in Gaza.
The ASHTAR Theatre of Palestine, on the occasion of the horrific war in the Gaza Strip, appeals to all its friends and theatre-makers all over the world: to read or publicly present The Gaza Monologues on 29 November 2023, International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
You can read the Gaza Monologues in Greek TheGazaMonoLogues2_Gr
The event will start with the screening of the documentary The Gaza Monologues; ten years and the dream continues (English subtitles, duration 20′)
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