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The National Library of Greece (NBG) announces the donation of 100,000 euros from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) in memory of Filippos Tsiboglou, Director General of the National Library of Greece (2014 -2023).
The donation was approved to support the overall identification, recording, documentation, cataloguing, preservation and presentation of the NLG’s art collection. This is an extremely rich and interesting collection of prints and paintings with works by important artists, mainly of European Schools, styles and periods from the late 15th century to the 20th century. The works come both from donations made to the NLG, such as that of Ioannis Gennadios, and from purchases.
During the project, of a total duration of two years, the documents will be identified and described in detail, according to international standards, in order to be searchable through the electronic systems of the NLG.
After the completion of the recording and documentation, an exhibition will be held in the Library with selected works from this collection and a catalogue dedicated to the memory of Filippos Tsiboglou will be published.