Inspection of the works being carried out in the Mound Kasta, in Amphipolis, held the Minister of Culture Lina Mendoni. The first phase, with the protection works, maintenance and restoration of the prominent monument but also the Mound, completed within the revised timetables.
In the funerary monument, the surfaces were cleaned, the cracks were filled and the marble fragments, which had been detached, were resurfaced. The scaffolding was removed from the area with the mosaic of the Rapture of Persephone and the cleaning of the mosaic is being completed. The didactic restoration of part of the enclosure was completed, as well as the landscaping of the entrance to the tomb. At the same time, the final studies are being completed on the design of the visitor routes around the mound, the creation of a museum area in direct connection with the monument and the creation of the reception facilities for visitors.
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