Purpose / Objectives:
The introductory seminar in art therapy aims to:
- To become familiar with basic concepts of art therapy
- To help – through educational/experiential experience
- Understand and experience the creative process through negotiating the obstacles that may arise during the process and ultimately
- To understand how art therapy helps a person’s emotional expression and how it ultimately affects his development and life.
The following means will be used to achieve the above purposes:
- Study and elaboration of theoretical material, from the proposed bibliography
- Experiential exercises of artistic expression
- Group process.
- (80% Attendances)
- Active Participation in the training experience team.
- Work on the critical evaluation of the experience.
- Bibliography: Marion Milner, Cathy A. Malchiodi, Madeline Mc. Murray.
N.D. Anagnostopoulou, Psychologist, Art Psychotherapist, M. A., Artpsy, E.C.P.h
Irini Voutsa, Special Educator, Art Psychotherapist
The duration of the seminar is 6months.
Days of the 1st semester: 8/10, 12/11, 10/12, 14/1, 11/2, 11/3 Hours: 10:00-16:00
Days of the 2nd semester: 18/3, 8/4, 13/5, 10/6, 1/7 Hours: 10:00-17:00
Photo Source: Madeline McMurray (1988), “Illuminations, the healing Image”, Wingbow Pr
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