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An important four-volume edition of Onassis AiR, a collective project of researchers and arts people towards their peers and those looking to tomorrow.

The School of Infinite Rehearsals Movements  ONASSIS AIR HYPERHYPO (Pinelopi Gerasimou)

The School of Infinite Rehearsals is a collaborative research project of Onassis AiR, inviting participants from different disciplines to exchange knowledge and practices around research questions that we consider urgent to raise and further explore together. The four-volume publication The School of Infinite Rehearsals | Movements I-IV summarizes the ideas and questions that emerged through the participants’ collective research in 2020-21. Each of the four books was created in collaboration with the respective Movements I-IV participants and includes texts and images by the participants themselves, as well as commissions from other writers and artists. Each book was designed by a different creative agency in Athens.

The School of Infinite Rehearsals Movements I-IV

Onassis AiR is an international artistic hospitality and research programme of the Onassis Foundation. It opened its doors in 2019 to support process and research aimed at an artistic ecosystem less focused on cultural production.

It currently consists of a community of 96 artists, curators, researchers, economists, chefs and other professionals.

Ash Bulayev, director of Onassis AiR,says of the four-volume edition, “The four boxed editions include the spontaneous thoughts of everyone who participated in the first year of The School of Infinite Rehearsals (2020/21) – each book was written collectively by Movements I-IV participants. The editors of each publication were themselves participants in the project, having the additional task of organising the research material and presenting the collective research of the Movement in which they participated. Each book was designed by a different creative agency in Athens, while the box in which the four books are housed was designed collectively by all four creative groups. I sincerely hope you can feel in these books the energy of our bodies…”

The School of Infinite Rehearsals Movements  ONASSIS AIR HYPERHYPO (Pinelopi Gerasimou)

The publication is in English.

Edited: by Alkisti Efthymiou, Ioanna Zouli, Alexander Strecker

Design: Bend, Stathis Mitropoulos in collaboration with Danae Sirkou, StudioPrecarity, TypicalOrganization + EllaVillaumié


Jackie Aboulimen, Ipatia Vourloumi, Kyriaki Goni, Natasha Diavasti, Natassa Durida, Karolina Doriti, Alkisti Efthymiou, Ioanna Zouli, Katerina Karali, Myrto Katsimicha, Christina Kotsilelu, Nefeli Myrodia, Louisa Duru, Lydia Xynogala, Faidon Papadakis, Leto Skopelitis, Myrto Tsilimbounidi, Costas Tsiukas, Stavros Chrysafidis, NoorAbed, Alex Baczynski-Jenkins, Tristan Bera, James Bridle, Federica Bueti, Ash Bulayev, Marc Delalonde, Dennis Dizon, Bryony Dunne, Emantes, Moriah Evans, Christina Gruber, SamHertz, Daniel Hui, Latent Community (Sotiris Tsiganos and Ionian Bishai), Hortense Le Calvez, AriadniLondos, Lauretta Macauley and Christina Phoebe, Kenneth Pietrobono, Will Rawls, Miriam Simun, Sumugan Sivanesan, Alexander Strecker, Ana Vaz, Ingrid Vranken, Kylie White