The Cultural Organization of the municipality of Patras, in the framework of the celebration of World Book Day, organizes at 7.00 on the evening of Wednesday, May 3, an event – presentation of the book of Maria Papagianni – Mikroutsikou “The Golden Oars”.
The event will take place at the Municipal Library of Patras in cooperation with the Music School of Patras, which will “invest” the content of the book musically during its presentation.
This action also marks the beginning of the new section of the Patras International Festival, which includes “Literary Tributes”.
The president of the Cultural Organization, Katerina Geropanagioti, on the occasion of the event for the day of the book that identifies and the beginning of the new section of the festival with the “literary tributes,” pointed out that the Municipal Authority puts at the center of its design first of all the people of the city, because a city is pleasant not only thanks to its natural landscape and its buildings, but when it inspires you, it gives you the motivation and motivation to live in it, when it does not have unemployment and poverty and people looking in the garbage for food. When everyone who lives in it has equal rights to education, health, culture, and sport.

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