Title: Kostas Papatriantafyllopoulos. Some Hagiographer. St. Basil of Vrachnaiika

Editor: Stavros Zoumboulakis

Publications: National Library of Greece

Subject: Exhibition Catalogue

Year: 2024

Pages: 208

The National Library of Greece, in the framework of its exhibitions on “art and the sacred”, presents this year the work of Kostas Papatriantafyllopoulos , curated by Athina Kyriakodi. A life’s work for the artist is the hagiography of the huge church of St.Basil in Vrachnaiika, Patras. The church is inscribed, the portable icons are painted by him as well as the mosaics with pebbles from the nearby beaches that adorn the lower part of the church.

The exhibition is accompanied by a luxurious catalogue that also highlights the secular work of Papatriandafyllopoulos. The rich texts highlight the artist’s career and his own perspective on things through his interviews.

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