Days of Art in Greece, issue 14

Pages. 258

Dimensions: 17 x 24 cm.

Paper: garda pad kiara and writing paper.

Continuing the effort to highlight contemporary Greek culture, Days of Art in Greece has published its 14th bilingual issue.

The aim of the publication remains the promotion in Greece and abroad of artistic production, scientific research, publishing activity and the work of Greek artists.

We have the pleasure of having people with a distinguished career in the artistic, scientific and academic fields participate in the issue with their articles. In a milestone year for Hellenism due to the completion of 100 years, the issue hosts articles dedicated to the artists and nursing institutions of Asia Minor.

The issue’s material includes, among others:

  • An interview with the President of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture, Mr. Nikos A. Koukis
  • A tribute to: ” The artistic voices of Asia Minor”
  • A tribute to the Nursing Institutions and the care in Smyrna
  • “Living Sculpture”: Oron Catts and IoannisMelanitis discuss philosophy, bio-artistry and the SymbioticA group

As well as the publication’s fixed columns:

  • Museums – destinations,
  • Days of Art
  • Days of Reading
  • Index insert

At the same time we continue to expand our subscriber list by including important libraries of universities, museums, institutions and cultural institutions in Greece and abroad.

Our website is updated daily. The aim of the online publication is the systematic and daily promotion of topics of culture, art and literature.

 Days of Art in Greece

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