Bertolt Brecht, The Poetics of Detachment,

by Ioanna Mendrinou, from OTAN Publications

Pages 222

Dimensions 14×21.

Edition 2021.

Category Study.

The Poetics of Detachment is an introductory critical study of vertical reading and initiation into the Brechtian theatrical universe. A reflection on the origins, the constantly evolving and dialectical substance of the visionary of “a new scientific age” and his pioneering theatrical method (dissociation, V-effect, epic-dialectical theatre). In this context, his renovationist gaze and contribution to the sober examination of the historical and socio-political context through active critical and reflective processes is documented, and the inherent “meta-nature” of an early postmodern creator is confirmed, and therefore the timeless and contemporary referentiality of his work. By delving into Bertolt Brecht’s art of questioning, dialectical and interventionist thinking, it is hoped to empower ‘postmodernists’ to envision and effectively strive in the present for a better future.Απευθύνεται σε καλλιτέχνες, θεατρολόγους, θεατροπαιδαγωγούς, εκπαιδευτικούς, φοιτητές προπτυχιακών και μεταπτυχιακών πανεπιστημιακών ιδρυμάτων, δραματικών και μεταλυκειακών σχολών, σε δια βίου εκπαιδευόμενους ή ενδιαφερόμενους ενήλικες και λάτρεις του θεάτρου και των παραστατικών τεχνών γενικότερα.

Bio :

Ioanna Mendrinou holds a PhD in Theatrology with specialization in theatre for underage audiences and a Master’s degree in “Language Teaching – Literature – Theatre and Education” from the Pedagogical Department of Primary Education (P.T.D.E.) of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). She is a pre-school teacher, adult educator, children’s literature writer and theatre educator.

She is a health education officer at the Directorate of Primary Education of Athens D’ Athens. Lecturer at the Department of Early Childhood Education and Care of the International University of Greece 2020-21 and at the Department of Theatre Studies of the University of Peloponnese as an academic scholar.

Her scholarly work focuses on the fields of theatre for underage audiences, theatre in education, contemporary modern Greek and world theatre, theatre and history, health education, rhetoric. This includes the writing of monographs, published scientific studies and articles in edited volumes, proceedings of Greek and international conferences and journals, participation in conferences, workshops and training activities, the development of educational programmes and the supervision of their implementation.

She is vice-president of the Institute of Rhetorical and Communication Studies of Greece (I.R.E.S.E.) and coordinator of the Expression and Reading Club (ELL) of teachers for the education and promotion of health in schools.