“I remember as a child the cloths covering the furniture of the house or the sheets and blankets, the bodies in the beds, in sleep or in pain and even the rubbing with a pencil on the paper that covered the embossing of a coin….
These memories led me, some 35 years ago, to start working on the idea of the embossed trace, evoked by the covering of a composition of disparate objects and volumes, usually tools, building elements or architectural fragments…
Working with the cover material (usually paper and sometimes fabric) in the form of an Action, as it takes the shape of the relief of the hidden composition, the random suddenly appears through the undisciplined crumpling of the covering, giving a special charm to the result, when in the final phase, the spray of paint gives life to the trace imprinted on the painted surface-cover. Subsequently, with the stretching , the “tessellation” of the surface, the real anaglyphic trace is transformed into a pseudo-relief, constituting an interesting optical illusion with a philosophical dimension on the relationship between the real and the false.

The dark monochrome and the few bursts of pure colour highlight the bright and grey gradations of the crumpled forms, giving a sense of indeterminacy that paradoxically comes from the traces of a strictly defined composition – and making the works, studies of a peculiar tracing of decay, of the passage of time…
The long practice and experimentation of this painting idea – technique and method – has so far yielded a series of smaller and larger works, a representative selection of which is presented on 31 May at Zivasart Gallery.”
Nikos Zivas.
Zivasart Gallery
1 Pantanassis 1 Maroussi
Tel. 210 6830648, 6936531703
Opening hours daily from 10.00 to 21.00
Duration of the exhibition until 5 July
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