An interactive installation and performance on gender biases in today’s technologies
Has Siri ever read bell hooks, Audre Lorde – Silvia Federici, or Donna Haraway-and know what “cyberchimera” means? How can a feminist dataset be created so that machines are trained differently;
Nadja Verena Marcin, guest artist at Onassis AiR through the EMAP program, presents the project she developed during residency, in December 2022, #SOPHYGRAY, an interactive installation and performance, accompanied by the release of the corresponding application. As part of a critical reflection on the use of various chatbotts, such as Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana and Apple’s Siri, the artist is interested in the possibilities and limitations of artificial intelligence in the fields of language and emotion.
Sophy is an audio bot who has been trained by the artist and his/her programmers to discuss identity, art and feminism, while the bot’s knowledge is based on theoretical texts of important feminists. At the heart of Marcin’s project are the detection of the impact of personal digital assistants on our daily lives, the representation of women in the media and the objectification that the use of these gendered technologies often entails.
Within the spatial installation, The Artist along with two dancers will embody the audio bot, as well as female figures and women inspired by Fritz Lang’s classic film “Metropolis” (1927), by Ava in the film “Ex Machina” (2014) and by Dolores in the series “Westworld” (2016). The dialogues will be based on the discussions and interactions based on which the bot has been trained so far in different cities, such as Berlin, New York and more recently Athens.
As part of the event, the public will receive the Scan Code to test “Sophy” on their devices at home.
01.02.23 / small scene at 19: 00
Free entrance with pre-reservation
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