The group exhibition COMBINED derives its ideas and aims from the different meanings of the specific word, such as to add together, to come together, to unite in order to have an effect, while it activates every form of combinatorial reasoning, even that of a scheme. The implications of the word’s connotations are closely related, metaphorically and literally, to the worldwide political instability and crisis of the present years. In this light, the artworks of the participating artists expose the ways in which the financial and political crisis mechanisms divert our attention away from the devastating, irreversible effects of environmental destruction, as well as the operational modes of capitalism. In addition, multiculturalism, the systematic support of actions related to both visible and invisible divisions, intolerance, misinformation and the violation of human rights are examined.
The exhibition aims at revealing the ways of contemporary art’s power to uncover the conditions that feed a global political situation. A situation, which increasingly ignores human values, obscures truth and justice, as well as openly marginalizes attempts to improve our troubled world. Perhaps, in the spirit of humanism, we can take action to subvert the establishments that perpetuate and breed the destruction of our inner and outer world.
Curators: Vassiliki Vayenou and Stratis Pantazis
Participating Artists: Blanka Amezkua (based in the USA), Uwe Bressnik (Austria), Collectif MASI (Madlen Anipsitaki & Simon Riedler, France and Greece), Tamara Erde (based in Germany and France), Efi Fouriki (Greece), Marco Goldstein (Germany), Yioula Hadjigeorgiou (Cyprus and Greece), Maria Hanl (Austria), Claudia-Maria Luenig (German, based in Austria), Cornelia Mittendorfer (Austria), Karen Ostrom (Canadian, based in the USA), Aemilia Papaphilippou (Greece), Yiannis Pappas (based in Germany), Karin Maria Pfeifer (Austria), Andreas Savva (Cyprus and Greece)
Volume 2. Uwe Bressnik, Tamara Erde, Yioula Hadjigeorgiou, Maria Hanl, Karen Ostrom, Aemilia Papaphilippou, Karin Maria Pfeiffer, Andreas Savva
In the framework of the exhibition Tamara Erde will present her movie «Moonlight Jerusalem» on Friday 19/4 at 20.00
Opening: Thursday 11 April, 19:00 – 22.30
Exhibition Hours: Wednesday– Friday 18:00 – 21:00, Saturday: 12:00 – 17:00
Duration of the exhibition: 11 April – 27 April
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