NEON Culture and Development Organization presents the exhibition space of togetherness at the Drama School of the National Theatre Greece / School of Athens – Irene Papa, from 9 September to 20 October 2024.
NEON, under the direction of Elina Kountouri, presents an exhibition that raises some of the most pressing questions facing Europe and the world today. The movement of people, cultures and ideas is shaping Europe as a space of flows through the interaction and exchange of cultural differences. The space of togetherness is an exhibition about stories that are revealed when races, politics and human rights intersect.
The exhibition space of togetherness is being developed in the premises of the Drama School of the National Theatre in Athens. The School plays an important role in the cultural life of the city as it functions as a focus of artistic practices and is a living space where students of different social origins, backgrounds and cultures coexist. Since 1930, when the School was founded at the same time as the National Theatre, it has been a laboratory dedicated to the creative exploration of the actor’s art and an artistic educational institution that fosters pedagogy and progressive ideas.
The exhibition and public programme of the fair seeks to coexist with the activities of the Drama School, creating an open, living laboratory.
The exhibition space of togetherness will explore how preconceived ideas about racism, social mobility, migrants’ rights and how a sense of belonging, coexistence, is woven into our everyday lives through the diversity of class, race, gender. Participating artists, female artists and collectives present artistic practices that challenge stereotypes:
Igshaan Adams, Taysir Batniji, Enri Canaj, Døcumatism, Mona Hatoum, Patricia Kaersenhout, Bouchra Khalili, Menelaos Karamangkiolis, Grada Kilomba, Tarik Kiswanson, Sophie Kovel, Kalliopi Lemos, Maria Loizidou, Malgorzata Mirga–Tas, Stella Nastou, Kostas Roussakis, Georgia Sagri, Antrea Tzourovits, VASKOS, Marianna Christofidou.
The exhibition will be accompanied by a public programme that will bring together various actors, including artists, academics, civil society organizations and policy makers.
As part of its space of togetherness, NEON carried out infrastructure construction work in the unrenovated spaces of the School, in line with its principle of creating and donating infrastructure to all the spaces it works with and opening up unexpected spaces of cultural significance to the public.
You may seek more information at neon.org.gr
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