The exhibition of Giannis Tzortzis is an urgent call for collective awareness of how much we still depend on our choices. Nature will continue the transition without us anyway.

NATURA TRANSITA, or NATURE IN TRANSITION. It took a pandemic to find that we are unable to contain the endless flow that shapes the framework of our existence. The arrogant illusion of a convenient “stability” that we had associated with the supposed “superiority” of our species collapsed. We are part of nature, which is constantly in a state of transition.

As Iraklis Papaioannou wrote, “people have never felt that they have such an inextricably shared destiny as in this long-lasting holding of breath that has permeated humanity horizontally.” And environmental photography has never been used with greater sensitivity or more compelling documentation in order to capture just that.

The exhibition of Giannis Tzortzis, beyond his endless experiential wandering in the ocean of individual responsibility and authentic artistic expression, is an urgent call for collective awareness of how much we and future generations still depend on our choices. Nature will continue the transition without us anyway.

Giannis Tzortzis is a Member of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain (RPS) and has traveled the world with the organization Green Project under the auspices of the Greek National Commission for UNESCO, to awaken social consciousness through environmental photography.

Exhibition duration: until October 16, 2021
Opening hours: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 14:00 – 20:00 & Saturday 12:00 – 16:00