A primary, cosmogonic, immersive tide of materials, meanings, signals and experiences is about to “happen” on the occasion of Stefania Strouzas’ new exhibition entitled “Primary Tide” at the MOMus-Alex Mylonas Museum (5 Agion Asomaton Square, Thiseion) in Athens, from 12 September to 3 November 2024. The exhibition is part of the programmatic collaboration between MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art and the Panhellenic Association of Art Galleries and the Art Athina New Artist Award, aiming to support and promote the work of young contemporary artists.

In the exhibition “Primary Tide”, which could be described as a retrospective of the work of the artist Stefania Strouza over the last 10 years, the starting points of her inspiration and at the same time the framework of her work are reflected. Faithful and consistent in her work, she synthesizes and depicts elements of geography, culture, art, history, mythology, science and philosophy in her sculptural compositions, her insitu installations, the mixture of natural and synthetic materials in the production process of her works.

Nature and the altered relationship that man now has with it runs through the broad and interdisciplinary and theoretical background of her work, in an attempt to indicate the depth of the incoherence and the need to restore this destructive disorder.

The exhibition is accompanied by a bilingual catalogue, with the support of Art Athina. The exhibition is also the third stop in the MOMus-Museum Alex Mylonas tribute series of exhibitions, entitled “Four Artists, Four Stances“, featuring women artists and curators.

Curator: Domna Gounari, MOMus

The Art Athina 2023 prize for a young artist

Stefania Strouza, represented by the gallery a.antonopoulou.art, is the winner of the Art Athina prize for young artist for the year 2023. The institution, established by the fair in 2022, aims to support artistic creation, while the award is open to artists up to 45 years old, who live and work in Greece and are nominated by the gallery that represents them, where they have held at least one solo exhibition.

After examining the 18 proposals submitted by the art galleries representing the candidates for the prize, the work of Stefania Strouza was unanimously selected by the members of the Evaluation Committee for its consistency and coherence, its research dimension, as well as the multiplicity of the artistic pursuits that distinguishes her work, pointing out the multidimensional character of her works and her career and presence so far, taking into account the key problematic nature of her work and the theoretical-research framework of her artistic approach.

The Art Athina Award for a new artist for the year 2024 will be announced at a special event on Friday 20 September 2024 at 18:00, at Zappeion Hall.

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