Fotis Kontoglou and his influence on the younger generation
The forthcoming exhibition entitled “FotisKontoglou and his influence on the younger generation” is an anniversary tribute to the 100th anniversary of the national catastrophe of the uprooting of the Hellenism of Ionia from its centuries-old origins. But it is also the anniversary of three years since the opening of the place where we operate.

Fotis Kontoglou (1895-1965), “O Laokoon”, 1938. Oil on wood, 80 × 100 cm. Municipal Gallery of Athens
For this double anniversary, the fateful anniversary of the national tragedy and the joyful anniversary of the opening of the Museum of the B&E Goulandris Foundation in Athens, we are preparing a bipolar tribute. That is, two exhibitions in a concise presentation in the spirit of the subtitle “From today to yesterday with a view to tomorrow”.
In the first part, the aim is to highlight the cultural and intellectual contribution of FotisKontoglou in the field of visual arts and letters during the 20th century. In the second part, the aim is to highlight the influences of the younger artists. Starting with the first of his students, who are the later distinguished Nikos Engonopoulos and YannisTsarouchis, but also other distinguished artists such as Moralis, Loukopoulos, Vourloumis, Kopsidis, Karousos, Papadelis, Chochlidakis and Xynopoulos.
36 living or recently deceased notable artists will be juxtaposed pictorially with works by the eminent Master. 135 works from 52 institutions and individuals make up the tribute, for the promotion of which Professor Dimitris Pavlopoulos and the research PhDs SpirosMoschonas and George Mylonas, historians, collaborated. Christos Margaritis played an advisory role in identifying works for loan. Special mention should be made of the stage design mastery of Andreas Georgiadis and ViviGerolymatou, but also of all those who worked in one way or another to complete this demanding project.
Neorealism as a pioneering movement
One of the most important French avant-garde movements, which, despite the ephemeral nature of its life (1960-1963), did not lose the importance of its project, despite the heterogeneity of the group and their lack of neorealist coherence, was registered as an important chapter in the world’s modern art history.

NikideSaintPhalle (1930-2002), “The bench”, 1989. Painted polyester with mosaic newspaper written in Greek by Marina Karella, 160 × 139.7 × 109.2 cm.
Private collection
The exhibition under consideration will include works by artists who either at the time of its formation or shortly thereafter signed the Neorealist Manifesto in 1960. What unites them is a neo-perceptual approach to realism, which is situated in a sociological view of the real. The neorealist tribute is made up of the monochromes of Yves Klein, the worn posters of Raymond Hains and Jacques Villeglé, the in-motion sculptures of Jean Tinguely, the compressions of Arman and César, the plastic assemblages of Martial Raysse and Christo. Niki de Saint Phalle’scolourful, sensual compositions, the neo-realistic proposals of Gérard Deschamps, François Dufrêne, Mimmo Rotella are proposals that highlight urban space with the means offered by technology.
Chronis Botsoglou
The recently deceased visionary painter, sculptor, engraver and teacher has passed away, leaving a great void in the field of the metaphysical existential Jiacometric dimension of painting. The proposed retrospective exhibition for the summer of 2023 at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Andros is intended as a due tribute and thanksgiving for what he bequeathed to us, opening new paths in the history of modern Greek art and beyond.

Chronis Botsoglou (1941-2022), “Naked”, 1986. Bronze with green patina, 50 × 103 × 50 cm. Collection of the Vassilis & Elizas Goulandris Foundation
Works on paper from the collection of the B&E Goulandris Foundation
An exhibition of works on paper from the collection of the B&E Goulandris Foundation, many of which belong to albums that will be presented for the first time in their entirety to the Greek public. The exhibition will include works by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Aristide Maillol, Georges Braque, Fernand Léger, Joan Miró, Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso.

Henride Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901), “The cabin passenger 54”, 1896.
Colored lithograph on Vélin paper of superior quality, 52.6 × 36 cm.
Vassilis & Eliza Goulandris Foundation Collection
Neo-impressionism in the colours of the Mediterranean
As the term implies, it is an offspring of the great current of Impressionism. It does not emerge as a disruptive act of rupture but as a project of further strengthening of chromatic lyricism, which begins to intertwine with the proposals of Fauv. The aim is to give additional fullness to impressionism, of which it is an offspring. The exhibition is limited to the geographical context of the Mediterranean, hence the absence of the name of Georges Seurat, who did not come into contact with the Mediterranean.

Henri-EdmondCross (1856-1910), “The farm (evening)”, 1893. Oil on canvas, 65 × 92 cm. Private collection
Paul Signac, on the contrary (a passionate collector himself), was one of the pioneers of the movement. This important thematic exhibition, with works from museums in France, Germany, Great Britain, Luxembourg and Monaco, includes the names of famous post-impressionists such as Paul Signac, MaximilienLuce, Théo Van Rysselberghe, Henri Matisse, Charles Camoin and Henri Manguin.
Nakis Panagiotidis
An artist with a long career and originality of workmanship, he belongs to the group of distinguished artists of the Greek Diaspora. Settled in Bern, a friend of YannisKounellis, he is active in the current of Arte Povera, i.e. poor art. In contrast to the consumerist euphoria of Pop, he pioneers with the ambitious aim of utilizing and incorporating in his compositions materials that time wants to leave on the sidelines.
Nakis Panagiotidis (1947-), “Without a title”, 1989-1990. Mixed technique on canvas, 78.5 × 115 cm. Vassilis & Elizas Goulandris Foundation Collection
The ongoing exhibition programming will form the axis and will be adhered to in its entirety. In the event of unintended minor changes, an update will be provided in the context of the more detailed presentation of each exhibition.
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