“DEI meets art”, curated by Katerina Koskina,
Light Uncaptured, 2022
The site specific installation Light Uncaptured, 2022, referring with its title to the substance of the most immaterial of media, light, constitutes an invitation in an experiential situation where the viewers are called to participate with their bodily presence.
Light Uncaptured, 2022, shifts the literal space where it is positioned into a ‘functional’ site, according to James Meyer’s distinction between these two notions of site: The literal is an actual location, a singular place…. In contrast, the functional site may or may not incorporate a physical place. Instead it is a process, an operation occurring between sites… (Meyer, cited in Doherty 2009: 38)
The varying length of the vertical led lights and their wavy layout, resulting in a motion illusion which is amplified by the movement of the viewers around them, constitutes a reference to the nature of electrical light waves.
The inverted function of the glass insulators, converted into candlesticks where lit candles are placed, creates a peculiar coexistence/confrontation of the two different types of energy: thermal (candle flames) and electrical (led lights).
The plexiglas reflective surfaces allow viewers to see both themselves and other people moving around them, functioning as ‘a constant reminder that the entire work not only exists for the viewer but also […] calls for his or her active engagement throughout the entire duration, the ‘real time’ of the [installation’s space] visit’ (Fried, cited in Wilder 2012b: 24). Moreover their reflections may encourage them to become involved with ‘your seeing, your own gaze and other people gazing at you’, as Dan Graham has said of his installations (Graham, cited in Bishop 2010 :73). Thus the installation’s Light Uncaptured, 2021, ‘topological’ space, where its literal spatiality merges with the place where it is positioned and is reshaped by the spatiality of the bodies of the viewers who move in relation to it and to one another, can be regarded as the tactile space where webs of connections, separations and reconnections contract and extend.
The site specific installation Light Uncaptured, 2021, installed in the old Steam power Station in N. Phaliro, by merging its spatiality with that of the body of the viewers, invites identification with lived space and asserts the humane against the international contemporary situation of digital technology and mediated internet contact.
NEO FALIRO , Solomou 1 and Dim. Falireos, 18547 Neo Faliro
Exhibition duration until 27/2, Monday to Friday 16:00-20:00, and Saturday and Sunday 12:00-20:00.
The artist will be present at the exhibition site
Wednesday, 23/2- Saturday 26/2, 18:00-20:00, and
Sunday 27/2, 12:30-14:30 and 18:00-20:00
Vivetta Christouli
(Light Uncaptured, 2022, Glass insulators, reflective plexiglass, wire, led lights, candles. 3,5X3,5X3,5m.)
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