DL Gallery presents on Saturday 29 March 2025 the first solo exhibition of Thanasis Mylonas entitled “Outer Space“.

Through a series of paintings and ceramic works, a spirituality is unfolded, visually, with a source of experiential experience. It crosses concepts such as mysticism, death and alchemy – not as we know it. The alchemy here is esoteric: a confrontation with fear, the interpretation of death and the search for existential meaning.

The lived experiences described by medieval fictions become the framework through which fear takes shape and is transformed. This composition does not tell stories of fear but becomes the confrontation itself. Fear, death, and inner conflict do not seek redemption, but create images that explore the paradox, the dark, and memory.

Each project is a new recreation of the world, a game of control, discovery, and acceptance. The images do not avoid pain or insecurity but give light, give form, like the scattered stories of a fairy tale that tries to express the unknown.

Exhibition Opening:  Saturday 29 March 2025 at 18:00022:00
Duration:  29 March through 28 June 2025
Opening Hours:  Thursday– Friday 12:00-19:30, Saturday 12:00-16:00

Messolnghiou 55Α, Pireos

Text by: Charis Schwάrtz

Admission is free

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